CLARIN-DK is an infrastructure where researchers can deposit, share and download language-based material. i.e. texts, transcriptions, lexicons, word lists, audio and video files. CLARIN-DK also comprises interactive language tools, e.g. tokeniser, PoS tagger and lemmatiser, a data collection of TEI annotated texts (the earlier DK-CLARIN), a corpus tool Korp, and a visualisation tool Voyant for distant reading.
CLARIN-DK is the Danish part of the European research infrastructure for the Humanities CLARIN ERIC.
The Brandes corpus is accessible at CLARIN.DK. Please use the following text to cite this item or export to a predefined format:
Bjerring-Hansen, Jens, 2019, Georg Brandes: Main Currents (1872-90), CLARIN-DK-UCPH Centre Repository,